Coquelle Consulting

need help

for the

next climb

on your

clincal trial journey?



With over 20 years of experience in the clinical trial field, my expertise spans a wide range of knowledge. My approach centers around working smarter, not harder, to innovate and implement new technologies with clear and honest communication. In my recent role as a member of the small but mighty Revolutionize Clinical Trials team at LEO Pharma, my focus was on decentralizing clinical trials. As a dedicated team player, I bring an innovative and analytical mindset to my project management. I am not afraid to challenge the status quo and find creative solutions to any issue that arises. My extensive experience leading multi-disciplinary and international teams across various therapeutic areas demonstrates my ability to successfully lead any project.


Innovative solutions

Implementation of online recruitment, eConsent solutions, or decentralized clinical trial elements, telemedicine, Bring Your Own Device options,

Education and training

help training and educate on the latest guidelines and research in decentralized clinical trials and computerized systems? 

Project Management

non-drug projects, process optimization,

system implementation, change management

Trial Management

trial planning. execution or oversight if single trials or

multiple clinical trials.


I would like to write a few lines about my great appreciation of Thomas Coquelle. I have worked with Thomas a few years now and he keeps impressing me. The work he has done this year on the decentralized trial is fantastic. He has set up the strategy in an extremely thorough way, the “sprints” have turned every stone in how clinical trials are conducted. The work turned out to be much more extensive than anyone could have imagined. There were many times we had disagreements, but Thomas always kept calm and pleasant, his endurance has been absolutely superior. We solved issues together among many stakeholders, he really managed this entire huge ship through many storms taking all inputs into considerations and prioritized in an intelligent way.

Medical Advisor - DCT project

You are very responsive and open and involve me at an early stage in many relevant and general discussions. You are aware of Good Clinical Practice and make sure to include this perspective, One feels like part of a 'DCT team' and you make sure to reinforce this, which is very important for good co-operation. You manage our meetings very well and pleasantly, whether it is internal, external or with the authorities.

GCP advisor - DCT project

Thomas has successfully brought key experience as a project manager as well as depth of knowledge across all the clinical operations, site, regulatory and quality areas to guide the challenging work with our pilot study. Additionally, he has been very active in the DKMA forum, influencing the Danish and European level DCT guidelines. He has also represented our company and line of business externally via speaking events and articles in addition to internal presentations on DCT and hybrid trials. He has made progress with innovation and the default uncertainty we face to make hybrid trials a reality.

Line Manager - Revolutionize Clinical Trials

I have worked closely with Thomas on the DCT-project. Thomas has demonstrated excellent project manager skills in his management of the project and - not at least - managing a group of very different stakeholders, with very different types of input and requirements to the project. His ability to keeping us on the track, while balancing and combining the different inputs and interests into useful conclusions and/or doable plans forward, is admirable. And not to mention his always positive energy and "we can do it" attitude, which has sometimes really been challenged.

Legal counsel - DCT project


Hey there! Are you curious to see what else I've been up to? Check out my CV!

Coquelle Consulting

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